Thursday 10 February 2011

Why games are being run into the ground


People like Microsoft and Activision who buy up all the best franchises, plug craploads of money into them and expect there to be a new one released every 3 months. And worst of all, we - the consumers - buy this shit. I'm sorry, yearly franchises such as Call of Duty are quite bad, since you only just get into the game and then suddenly there's a new one, but the real offenders are the Guitar Hero 'track packs' for full retail price.

If we didn't give Activision our money over poorly made games, we wouldn't get them - they'd be forced to actually take time and effort making these games, and we wouldn't have the half hearted efforts that we play day in and day out.

And as much as I'd hate to see it, Halo's likely going to end up this way as well, with Reach coming out last year, and another instalment due for this winter. But we'll still buy it because it has 'Halo' on the front, regardless of the game's actual quality.

Something needs to be done, or we'll have no more lasting franchises, just one off games coming out every other month that attempt to grab as much of our money as possible, and there'll be no decent games out, thus spelling the end for gaming as we know it.

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