Sunday 6 February 2011

Master plan phase 1 complete!

Ok, this isn't a plan to take over the world. I'm sorry guys, but I just don't have the spare time to do stuff like that.

Onto SRS BSNS, if you've been following me over the past few days, you'll know I've been having confidence problems and that I was getting it sorted. Well, I did today and for the first time in ages I feel great!It turns out that the root of it all was stress from school/people - once that was removed then I could actually feel myself becoming more positive. It's really weird, but it helped.

What I was going to use this post to do was give you all an update on what was going down in the next few months. I'm going to be doing a few machinima projects between now and the Summer, more likely towards the later ends of it because of exams and shizzle. It's only a short post today, for which I apologise but it's Sunday - I've got to have a break some day :P


  1. "It turns out that the root of it all was stress from school/people"

    My life in a nutshell XD

    Anyway, even though I'm your only follower I really enjoy your stuff. Good luck with future posts and everything dood!

  2. Thanks a ton :D
    I'm thinking of getting a youtube channel for this going as well, so I'll let you know when that get's posted :P
