Thursday 3 February 2011


Bad times, bad times.

So, I was going to have a rant about something but I decided to leave that until Valentines day. I don't hate St. Valentine (That's why it's (st.) valentine's day, right?) but I really think his day's really bad for many reasons, mostly because it's a huge kick in the teeth for all us single people - I might look like a troll with a disfigured face, but it doesn't mean I don't have feelings.

Anyways, I'm leaving that for now. What I wanted to rage at today is the sheer stupidity of people. I have Facebook, like the average person nowadays and I also have formspring and the amount of abuse I get from it, and the indirect attacks on other people is pretty ridiculous, really. Likewise on Youtube - I got the very first video of the Plasma Repeater glitch up, and there was a guy claiming his video was up first. Despite the fact that mine was clearly stated to be uploaded on the 14th, whereas his was on the 19th. He decided to spam an hack my account after this, hence the shift from CorruptedGaming to PhantomArcade.

But my real point is that it's pretty damn ridiculous, why are people this idiotic? There's many, many example of this, but I've experienced idiotic behaviour from others that many times that I could write a series of novels on it. One time was when this really idiotic woman in Gamestation decided that she wanted to buy DJ hero for her family, so she walked in front of me, purposely catching me with the box and telling her husband and son to stand in front of me also. I was having none of it, and walked to the counter and the amount of abuse I got was insane. She was swearing, threw the DJ hero box down a few time, threatened me once - I'm pretty sure she got thrown out afterwards but is it really that hard to queue up?! I can't understand why everyone always has to be first with everything.

That applies with loads of things, traffic is one of them, when people cut you up just to get one place ahead. They'll be, at best 5 seconds ahead of you, but oh no, it's really important that they push in. What annoys me even more are the bastards that drive down the wrong lane, and then stop and wait to turn into a congested lane to get to a certain place, like shopping centres, or football stadiums and shizzle. People like that should be left, and if you're reading this and ever find yourself in this situation, NEVER let them push in.

Arrogant bastards...

Also, whilst I've just thought of doing a video version of one of these rants, weekly or monthly or something - What do you all think? Let me know in the comments or something. Thanks :)

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