Monday 7 February 2011

Suddenly Zombies. Zombies Everywhere.

It's inevitable. Some point in the future, we will be overrun by hordes of cranium hungry corpses. This day, the zombie apocalypse (dubbed Z-Day by some) has already been predicted by the Mayans, Greek Mythology and Dolphins - it is therefore going to happen in the foreseeable future, and so should be prepared for.

And it's no secret that I already have a zombie plan. If you've seen Red vs Blue, you'll know they talk about their plans for when the zombie apocalypse happens, since it's an inevitable scenario. The zombies will appear seemingly out of nowhere, and before you know it, oh bother, they've eaten your brains.

To prevent this from ever happening, you need to devise your own Zombie plan. I'm not telling anyone mine quite yet, as anyone could hear it, turn into one of the undead, knowing about my plan and sabotage it. Let's just say it involves a jeep, a shotgun and an orbital ion cannon.

But anyways, the truth is that this is such a probable scenario, since there are so many accounts of it, and so preparation is in order. Hide your kids, hide your wife - that sort of stuff. It might also be as bad a time as when the world ended in the year 2000, because that was predicted to happen as well. Oh wait-

Yeah, the world's not going to end in 2012. Stop worrying yourselves over it.

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