Monday 14 February 2011

Valentines day sucks for us.

Yeah, being single on Valentines day is a huge kick in the teeth. At least I didn't have to spend money buying anything, and so could put more money in my 3DS fund...

But anyways, I might do a bit more on that at a later date, because I have realised that some people do actually show some sort of affection through valentines day - and I'm not going to be bitter just because nobody's ever been like that with me, but shit happens, right?

What I'm going to say about today is the music business. Over industrialised to shit.

What I mean by that is if you keep track on current chart artists, you'll see that they churn out similar songs like there's no tommorrow, and so as a result, they earn a hell of a lot of money because of the gullible people that continuously buy this stuff in the form of a single, or itunes download. This means that for 20 songs at say 50p each, they'll get a tenner off you, for the same number of songs that might be on a £7 album.

Of course, all these numbers are arbitrary, but the point still stands - stop buying this crap! Support the proper artists, like Muse or Iron Maiden, who do one album like every 2-6 years, not months!
You'll notice you get more for your money, and you'll see that the songs are far better as well. It really does pain me to see that people don't support these bands as much, because they're so much better and more refined.

Anyways, I'm off for tonight, because I'm all sad that nobody sent me a valentines card.

In fact, I have no idea why I've never been anything other than single. That is something that really does baffle me... Still, on a lighter note, I'm off to play Pokemon cards and whatnot.

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