Saturday 22 January 2011

Videogames are the root of all problems.

No, seriously.
Now, I am a gamer but I didn't intend to be. I started playing my Gameboy colour at a very young age, and it's sort of carried on since there. It reached a Peak (I think) when I got Halo 3 and I'd play for hours and hours on end. This, of course meant that whilst everyone else was out getting real life friends, I was boosting up my Xbox Live friends list, and killing the covenant.
This is one of many things which I blame for my lack of IRL skills and confidence and shizzle, but as you can tell, I'm not afraid to vent things onto the internet - such is the mind of a nerd.

I don't quite understand why I'm rejected by people in real life as much as I am, but I'm pretty sure it's something to do with the whole 'outsider groups' thing. My best friends are gamers, yet as I go into further years of Education, there's fewer and fewer gamers, since everyone's out getting drunk, or going to parties because they actually have friends.

My 'parties' are Xbox live ones, and as such I find all this really depressing, for one that I've probably got more Xbox friends than real ones. Another is that the majority of my somewhat friends have really close friends or even girlfriends (yeah, girls avoid me, no guesses why) and then there's me who just talks to people over the internet.

Even down to progress in other things like my guitar (I began learning in the hope that people would notice my existance more, they do slightly) or my exams, Videogames seem to have caused so much crap that they shouldn't be worth the hassle.

Damn you, videogames.

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