Sunday 22 May 2011

Harold Camping is an idiot, redux.

So, further going on from yesterday's post, I hope the idiot gets locked up. He TOLD people to leave the Church (lulwut?) And sell everything they owned - they wouldn't need it in heaven.

This man is a liability, and I really do hope that someone picks up on it, or he's stuck in that radio station place for all eternity when he locked himself in securely.

I'm not saying that if you were worried, you're an idiot, I'm saying that you were gullible. Same goes for all those who think we'll die in 2012, we will not. The end of the world is not nigh, and it's highly unlikely that God, if he can even do that, would just say "Ah, you know what, I'm going to end the world" and do so.

Just because the Bible supposedly gives hints, doesn't mean it'll happen. Halo 3 dropped hints as to a sequel. Does it have one? No. it's the end of the Halo trilogy. Don't believe everything that people tell you.

Just to clarify, I do believe in God, and Jesus and a fair few of the Christian principles, but I'm one of those people that believes in a slight variation to it - after all, a 2000 year old holy book isn't necessarily going to be as relevant today, in an age where everyone is a lot smarter than when it was originally written. Hence why they say that Jesus 'suddenly healed' people, as if by magic - The gift of knowledge means that most likely Jesus was the most intelligent person the world has ever known, and knew how to solve diseases and the like instantly. It's like if you took a phone back in time, people would call it 'witchcraft' or Magic. The world has changed, and we need to take this into consideration when following religions. This isn't an attack on people who stick to the 'traditional' Christian views, but that's just my personal view on it.

I'm pretty easy going when it comes to beliefs - if you believe in Godzilla, then I'm not one to go against that. If you believe Aliens created us, then fine - that's your view.

Unless you believe the end's coming on 21st May 2011, in which case you're an idiot.

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