Saturday 21 May 2011

GCSE Music - seriously?

I'm not one to be angry at everything. It might seem like that, but there's just so many things wrong with the world that I have to poke fun at, but I am really angry at this though - GCSE Music.
If you're thinking of taking it next year, make sure your teacher actually teaches you stuff and doesnt rely on the fact that you're all musicians, therefore you should now exactly how to read music and play all of Beethoven's symphonies blindfolded with both hands behind your back.
Alas, I am a guitarist, and can do no such thing because I read guitar tabs, which are essentially the same as sheet music, but with numbers and string diagrams, essentially.

However, my teacher still cannot understand why I can't read sheet music. Possibly because I do not read sheet music to play my guitar. I do have a keyboard and piano, but I learn everything by sight,sound and memory, no sheet music involved.

And even better, I've been playing the thing for about 2 years now, and I'm about Grade 2 at best, which to be fair is pretty horrible, but I play it for enjoyment rather than to be good. So you can imagine how annoyed I felt when he said I was and I quote "Completely useless" because I can't play this -

I mean, I can do the rest of the song, but the solo? Get lost. And you don't have a right to tell me I'm crap at guitar. I know I am, but it's not your place to say that to my face.

The best thing is that he can't play the guitar himself. Talk about an epic fail of a teacher.
And that's why you should always check before you pick your GCSE's.

And I'm not even done yet - the test we did on tuesday was a complete and utter tragedy. The played Greenday as one of the songs, at which point I stopped writing and jammed the pen into my ear to remove my ear drums so that I didn't have to listen to it any longer. This may or may not be the reason I'm now partially deaf in my right ear.

Rise of the Valkyries made up for it, but it was mostly guesswork to be honest. When I get my individual results back from it, I'm betting I can spell 'FUDGE' with my grades.

GCSE Music. Do not want.

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