Tuesday 31 May 2011

Boycott Call of Duty: Elite

Free features that cost. Activision, stop ripping us off and actually polish Call of Duty before it releases.

Cheryl Cole's not judging the X factor.

Now normally, I couldn't care less, but I've noticed that if I write about stuff that's pretty popular, then I get more views. I've doubled my all time views just by saying that Harold Camping is an idiot, so here goes.

Cheryl Cole is apparently at war with the X factor (according to the press) because she was taken off X factor USA or something like that because the Americans 'couldn't understand her accent'. Cool Story Bro.
In all fairness though, I'd be pretty gutted if people couldn't understand me talk. Which they often can't, which is why I have a blog, not a vlog. But the thing is, I'd also go back to said TV show if I was offered a large amount of money - Cheryl didn't according to newspapers and shizzle, so yeah. Make of that what you will.

And that's all I have to say on that....

GAME don't know anything about games.

"You don't usually associate great stories with first person shooters, but Call of Duty: Black Ops' single player campaign tells an excellent tale. You play as Alex Mason, who remains strapped to an interrogation chair for most of the game. Your captor wants you to reveal the meaning of a sequence of numbers, which are part of a puzzle you're also trying to solve in order to avert a global disaster."

Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 3: ODST
Halo Reach
Modern Warfare (Cod4)
Modern Warfare 2
Battlefield bad company
Battlefield Bad company 2
Portal 2 (technically, you have a 'gun' and it's first person.)
Half life
Half life 2
^Episode 1
^Episode 2
Red Steel
Red Steel 2
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Metroid Prime 3
Frontlines: Fuel of War
Resistance: Fall of man
Resistance 2
Resistance 3 (probably, when it's released)
Killzone 2
Killzone 3
Rainbow Six Vegas
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Crysis: Warhead
Crysis 2
Duke Nukem 3D
Duke Nukem Forever (Come on, you just know it will.)
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Oblivion (?)
Perfect Dark 64

And that's just a short list. GAME, do your research please. Or at least hire people to write on your website that aren't completely videogame-illiterate.

Oh, and for the record, Black Ops' story was alright. Not great.

Monday 30 May 2011

"Federal regulations require me to warn you that this next test chamber... is looking pretty good"

Bit of a visual revamp, and the Blog's looking half decent now, finally.
And I love how I get no views for like 3 days, and then as soon as I start refurbishing this, then I get a fair few views, presumably from people that saw my blog in it's half finished state, with a poor version of Windows XP's Bliss screensaver plastered in the background.
Also, 300k is nothing for a background - It's not helpful at all when you can only have a small but High res background or large but low res background.
Tl;dr 500GB background Image upload limit plz. Kthx.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Modern Warfare 3 - will it sink or float?

I have to admit, as much as I despise Black Ops, I really can't argue against the rest of the CoD series being anything less than good. Modern Warfare 2, despite it's shortcomings was actually a pretty fun game to play. I personally think that all the crap that made it annoying gave it character - the 'overpowered/long range' shotguns like the SPAS-12 were subject to a lot of criticism, but they were fun to use. Commando, despite being completely idiotic, was the focus of many many jokes, and there were times when it went horribly wrong as well. Pro Pipes were also claimed to be overused because you could use One Man Army to stock up on more - but that just made people vulnerable until they could restore their ammo. And the best ones - quickscoping and boosters. People hate both of them, it seems, but boosters were ridiculously fun to hunt down (Sandy Ravage: Booster Justice - go watch) and quickscopers were easy kills. And it looked impressive when they did tricks and actually got a kill, as well as snipers being pretty accurate unlike Black Ops.

And I'd love to see a return to that, and it'll be great that IW/Sledgehammer are using the IW4 engine, the same as was used in Modern Warfare 2, so it'll run smoother than Black Ops did. And it'll feel more up to date - Black Ops used an engine from 2007 and only slightly modified it.

The campaign looks decent as well, but we'll have to see about that. Multiplayer, hopefully, should be amazing.

Sunday 22 May 2011

An experiment

So, if I type all of this, then put 1. d c
2. bbt
3. iceland volcano eruption
4. indianapolis 500
5. photobucket
6. oscar de la hoya
7. keith richards
8. bernard hopkins
9. wolves
10. gawker
11. bernard hopkins vs jean pascal
12. back to the future
13. cannes film festival
14. tree of life
15. liger
16. westboro baptist church
17. anne hathaway
18. rosario dawson
19. roy jones jr
20. ryan gosling

After it, how many more views will I get? I shall see...

Harold Camping is an idiot, redux.

So, further going on from yesterday's post, I hope the idiot gets locked up. He TOLD people to leave the Church (lulwut?) And sell everything they owned - they wouldn't need it in heaven.

This man is a liability, and I really do hope that someone picks up on it, or he's stuck in that radio station place for all eternity when he locked himself in securely.

I'm not saying that if you were worried, you're an idiot, I'm saying that you were gullible. Same goes for all those who think we'll die in 2012, we will not. The end of the world is not nigh, and it's highly unlikely that God, if he can even do that, would just say "Ah, you know what, I'm going to end the world" and do so.

Just because the Bible supposedly gives hints, doesn't mean it'll happen. Halo 3 dropped hints as to a sequel. Does it have one? No. it's the end of the Halo trilogy. Don't believe everything that people tell you.

Just to clarify, I do believe in God, and Jesus and a fair few of the Christian principles, but I'm one of those people that believes in a slight variation to it - after all, a 2000 year old holy book isn't necessarily going to be as relevant today, in an age where everyone is a lot smarter than when it was originally written. Hence why they say that Jesus 'suddenly healed' people, as if by magic - The gift of knowledge means that most likely Jesus was the most intelligent person the world has ever known, and knew how to solve diseases and the like instantly. It's like if you took a phone back in time, people would call it 'witchcraft' or Magic. The world has changed, and we need to take this into consideration when following religions. This isn't an attack on people who stick to the 'traditional' Christian views, but that's just my personal view on it.

I'm pretty easy going when it comes to beliefs - if you believe in Godzilla, then I'm not one to go against that. If you believe Aliens created us, then fine - that's your view.

Unless you believe the end's coming on 21st May 2011, in which case you're an idiot.

RE: The apocalypse

This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Aperture Science
We do what we must
because we can.
For the good of all of us.
Except the ones who are dead.
But there's no sense crying over every mistake.
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
And the Science gets done.
And you make a neat gun.
For the people who are still alive.
I'm not even angry.
I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke my heart.
And killed me.
And tore me to pieces.
And threw every piece into a fire.
As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
Now these points of data make a beautiful line.
And we're out of beta.
We're releasing on time.
So I'm GLaD. I got burned.
Think of all the things we learned
for the people who are still alive.
Go ahead and leave me.
I think I prefer to stay inside.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.
Maybe Black Mesa
Anyway, this cake is great.
It's so delicious and moist.
Look at me still talking
when there's Science to do.
When I look out there, it makes me GLaD I'm not you.
I've experiments to run.
There is research to be done.
On the people who are still alive.
And believe me I am still alive.
I'm doing Science and I'm still alive.
I feel FANTASTIC and I'm still alive.
While you're dying I'll be still alive.
And when you're dead I will be still alive.
Still alive.

Still alive.

Seemed like an appropriate song choice.

Saturday 21 May 2011

GCSE Music - seriously?

I'm not one to be angry at everything. It might seem like that, but there's just so many things wrong with the world that I have to poke fun at, but I am really angry at this though - GCSE Music.
If you're thinking of taking it next year, make sure your teacher actually teaches you stuff and doesnt rely on the fact that you're all musicians, therefore you should now exactly how to read music and play all of Beethoven's symphonies blindfolded with both hands behind your back.
Alas, I am a guitarist, and can do no such thing because I read guitar tabs, which are essentially the same as sheet music, but with numbers and string diagrams, essentially.

However, my teacher still cannot understand why I can't read sheet music. Possibly because I do not read sheet music to play my guitar. I do have a keyboard and piano, but I learn everything by sight,sound and memory, no sheet music involved.

And even better, I've been playing the thing for about 2 years now, and I'm about Grade 2 at best, which to be fair is pretty horrible, but I play it for enjoyment rather than to be good. So you can imagine how annoyed I felt when he said I was and I quote "Completely useless" because I can't play this -

I mean, I can do the rest of the song, but the solo? Get lost. And you don't have a right to tell me I'm crap at guitar. I know I am, but it's not your place to say that to my face.

The best thing is that he can't play the guitar himself. Talk about an epic fail of a teacher.
And that's why you should always check before you pick your GCSE's.

And I'm not even done yet - the test we did on tuesday was a complete and utter tragedy. The played Greenday as one of the songs, at which point I stopped writing and jammed the pen into my ear to remove my ear drums so that I didn't have to listen to it any longer. This may or may not be the reason I'm now partially deaf in my right ear.

Rise of the Valkyries made up for it, but it was mostly guesswork to be honest. When I get my individual results back from it, I'm betting I can spell 'FUDGE' with my grades.

GCSE Music. Do not want.

Harold Camping is an idiot.

I'm sorry, but he's predicted the end of the world twice and got it wrong. He told people to quit their jobs, sell everything and give all their money away. Some did, and now that the apocalypse hasn't happened at 6PM local time (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/) in a few places already, it's proven he's wrong. I'm not spiteful or anything, but him trying to cause panic should get him locked up. He could/may have ruined people's lives because of this, and having read a bit of this - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/end-of-the-world-is-very-nigh-indeed-2287185.html - I'm pretty sure that some people could be a lot worse off than others, if you look at the end.

I know this is usually a bit of a poke-fun-at-everything blog, but this is me being serious - people could have died after this. To quote the aforementioned site:

"1997: Believing an alien spacecraft was following the Hale-Bopp comet, San Diego-based cult Heaven's Gate declared the end of the world was nigh. Its leader, Marshall Applewhite, persuaded 39 cult members to enter into a pre-emptive suicide pact."
This could have happened in this case, and I really hope it doesn't - Camping could have caused this by generating panic.

And the idiot's been telling people to quit their jobs, sell their homes and all their belongings and give all the money away - what will these people do now?! They've just lost everything because of one moron trying to brainwash people into thinking the world would end on the 21st of May 2011.

And that, my friends, is why Harold Camping deserves to live behind bars. 

Friday 20 May 2011

The amount of times I've resurrected this blog...

Yeah, I've not been able to post as often as I usually do, and that's because of these bloody exams. Seriously, Who decided that It'd be great to subject school pupils to 12 + stressful exams in the space of a month, even less for some people.
I could go on a huge rant, but the truth is, I'm actually quite happy at the minute. I've literally just got out of my Psychology exam now and despite being about as awake as a dead badger, it's a great feeling to know that it's done - No more psychology ever. For a few months.

And another thing, for some reason, I appear to have gone deaf in my right ear. Seriously, I have no idea why, but I have. I'll get back to you on that one...

Sunday 1 May 2011

Back, once again - Playstation Network wtf?

Sony: O hai noobs, we lost your personal info and all ur credit cards
Us: ZOMG!!!! [riot]
Sony: Its K tho, we gon giv u all free stuffz to DL on Ps store an free PS+ subs!
Us: woot!11!
Sony: Lolz, JK - Stor wun be back up till offa expires lol trolled.
Us: this sux, Imma go buy 360/glorified Gamecube.

Yeah, sony - you failed at upkeep of the situation - I just want to play Portal 2 online/ on my PC, but no I can't. Nice one. Also, can has unlimited free stuff on PSN as compensation? Thanks.