Tuesday 29 March 2011

Long time, no read...

Yeah, life has been CHAOS these last few days, and I've not really had chance to update the blog. Stuff that's happened these last few weeks include: Exams, More Exams, Mock exams, Homework, Coursework, Asking someone to the prom, More homework, Revising for tests, Getting turned down after asking someone to the prom and endless Guitar playing. I'm in a band now.

So yeah, not the best of times, but on the bright side - birthday soon, which means almost certainly HDPVR soon. Gameplays and stuff will be uploaded and good times will be had by all.
Until then, I'm keeping this blog full of my life stories that nobody cares about. Probably.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

In all honesty...

Halo Reach and Black Ops aren't that bad. I know I'm one of those people who gets all nostalgic, coming out with the "Halo 1/2/3 was better" or "Modern Warfare 1 is better than all the newer CoD games combined" but to be perfectly honest, there's nothing wrong with any of the games. They're just not quite as fun for me as their predecessors. Particularly Halo Reach - I loved bungie's approach to Halo 3 - 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' but they've fixed the thing that wasn't broken in Halo Reach, leading to Armour abilities (nice idea, but very flawed) Loadouts (ruined the rush for power weapons) and all the other ZOMG IZ REALISTIC features, i.e. reticule bloom and stuff.
Black Ops is a huge fail though. They tried to balance it, and they removed all CoD's character. It might technically be one of the best, but it's sure as hell not as fun to play as the others. I'm not taking it out on treyarch though - to be fair, they had an old engine to make the game with, and their Activision overlords probably rushed them to complete some things, hence why there were a few bugs when the game came out, and why there still are some.

Also, I've been playing Reach whilst writing this, and it's not that bad at all. Halo 3, no it isn't. But a fun game? I think so. It's just that DAMN ARMOUR LOCK. And the odd bit of lag, but that's it. 36-5 on my first game back in a game of standard Slayer (team deathmatch) and that was out of the 50 kills we needed to win. The icing on the cake? We were against try-hard 'Legends' (incredibly high rank) so go figure :P

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Angry Birds dev - "Console games are dying"

And you know what? I think they're right.

There's very few good console game series-es at the moment - a lot of them are being overdone. The obvious ones being Call of Duty, Guitar Hero, FiFa (in fact, all the sports games) and the shovelware on each console. Sadly, these crappy games can put people off buying new ones, especially at 40-50 quid a go. Look at the other side of things, small games like Angry Birds that's addictive and is endlessly replayable (I think) is a fraction of that price, and those micro-transactions are what's making money at the moment.
And the new properties that aren't call of duty remain relatively small scale, so developers don't stick with them.

The moral of the story? Buy Homefront.

Saturday 12 March 2011

The recent tragedies in Japan and New Zealand

My thoughts go out to everyone affected by these tragic events in New Zealand and more recently Japan.

Just a quick update to show my support.

The calm before the storm...

Well, there's no storm, but I'm apologising for the distinct lack of posts this week. Sorry - School takes priority and it has essentially been the apocalypse.
All should be back to normal soon, and I have a Ratchet and Clank playthrough up on my channel (phantomarcade) on Youtube.

Sunday 6 March 2011

40th post!

Yes, arbitrary milestone achieved!
Sorry about missing a few updates. I'm having a lot of exams at school and it's getting difficult to update with large-ish posts every day, though I am running out of good stuff to say.

In other news, I played a 3DS. The console's great, though the 3D made me vomit. Do not like.
If you're getting one, I wouldn't advise prolonged use of the 3D function...

Wednesday 2 March 2011

We've been Trolled, We've been trolled, though you've probably been told....

Well, FindMakarov.com was the Modern Warfare 3 reveal we've been waiting for! Lol, Just Kidding. It was a fan film, which has to be the biggest disappointment in videogame history. Well, aside from Black Ops, Halo Reach, Modern Warfare 2's poor multiplayer, Haze, Playstation Home, Super Mario Galaxy, Sonic Unleashed and the PSPgo.

Haters going to hate, though I did exaggerate that list quite a bit...
Anyways, I thought I'd talk to you about stuff today, but I've forgot said stuff.

...This is awkward.

Oh yes, I remember now - Battlefield 3 looks better than life. Seriously, it's like all super highly detailed graphically, and the Frostbite 2 engine looks sweet. In that you can destroy full building and also only take chips off things as well. Realism to the max.

Though I'm not saying realism is great in videogames, but Battlefield 3 looks like it really is going to be amazing because of the destruction engine. And the general epic scale of the wars that'll be going on.

In other news also, I'm doing a bit more writing over on the ONM forums, which I'll post here at some point...